English Review
Dr. KIM Sang-chul who is a world renowned genius medical scientist is killed by himself and his head is cut and missing in his funeral. While a dispatch rider, Hong-je, delivers Dr. KIM’s head, he is kidnapped by Baek-jung and his elder sister, Hong-joo goes head to head with him to save Hong-je!! As far as she chases him, the forces into the background of Dr. KIM’s head are revealed and Hong-joo is in danger. Can a reckless but loyal female journalist save her bro and take the scoop what she wants so eagerly?
Sinopsis Indonesia
Dr Kim Sang-chul yang jenius ilmuwan terkenal dunia medis dibunuh oleh dirinya sendiri dan kepalanya dipotong dan hilang dalam pemakamannya. Sementara pengendara pengiriman, Hong-je, memberikan kepala Dr KIM, ia diculik oleh Baek-jung dan adiknya tua, Hong-joo pergi head to head dengan dia untuk menyelamatkan Hong-je! Sejauh ia mengejar dia, pasukan ke latar belakang kepala Dr KIM adalah mengungkapkan dan Hong-joo dalam bahaya. Dapatkah seorang wartawan perempuan ceroboh tapi setia menyimpan bro dan mengambil sendok apa yang dia inginkan begitu bersemangat?
Info: [K-Movie]
Release Date: 2011
Genre: Action | Thriller
Cast: Park Ye-jin, Baek Yoon-sik, Ryoo Deok-hwan, Oh Dal-soo, Danny Ahn Park Yeong-seo
Quality: DVDRip
Source: DVDRip.XviD-SBSi
Subtitle: Indonesia, English (N/A)
Info: [K-Movie]
Release Date: 2011
Genre: Action | Thriller
Cast: Park Ye-jin, Baek Yoon-sik, Ryoo Deok-hwan, Oh Dal-soo, Danny Ahn Park Yeong-seo
Quality: DVDRip
Source: DVDRip.XviD-SBSi
Subtitle: Indonesia, English (N/A)
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